75 years of classic Ealing Comedy...

Ealing comedies are renowned for their quintessential humour, outlandish plots and impressive ensemble casts - with several celebrating a milestone 75th anniversary in 2024, we couldn’t resist a mini-series of some of our favourites in Averys Wine Cellars…

First up is a Burns Night screening of Whisky Galore! . This story of a stranded whisky shipment on a remote Scottish island promises to be the perfect watch for Burns Night - enjoyed alongside a Scotch whisky tasting, naturally…

Our celebration of all things Ealing continues in March, with screenings of Passport to Pimlico and Kind Hearts and Coronets. With themed wine tastings accompanying each screening, this is the perfect way to discover - or rediscover - these cornerstones of British cinema.

Still to come…

If you still haven’t had your fill of these classic films, be sure to keep an eye out for our Screening Room showing of A Run For Your Money - dates and more information about this rugby-centric caper will be released soon…




Take Flight with Bristol Film Festival - Top Gun to return to Aerospace Bristol