Bristol Cocktail Weekend - Cocktail at Clifton Observatory

It was a night of being shaken, stirred, and all shook up for our collaboration with HMSS for Bristol Cocktail Weekend!

Screening Eighties cult hit Cocktail at the beautiful Clifton Observatory, the HMSS team put together a dazzling trio of cocktails inspired by the film which would have put even Tom Cruise’s Bryan Flanagan to shame.

First up was a luxurious twist on a ‘Red Eye’, the film’s infamous hangover cure. Rather than include the essential raw egg seen on screen, the team used mango, passionfruit and champagne to creative an inventive and delicious substitute. The second drink of the evening was a ‘Hippie Hippie Shake’, a long and tropical treat that was presented with an interactive twist. Finally. the ‘New York Punch’ certainly delivered on its name, delivering a rich combination of scotch, raspberry, cream and port.

We had great fun working on this exciting collaboration!


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